Little Almond

I think sometimes when you squint your eyes, you see better, see farther, see sharper. SOme people always have squinted eyes, like little almonds. They must see pretty well indeed!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


In the tradition, a new baby is baptised soon after birth. Papa holds a candle, symbol of light and of enlightnement. Mama holds the baby dressed in white garments.

Afterwards there is a big salu-salo or fiesta, with lots to eat. It is also a time for relatives and close friends of the family to get together.

Dans la tradition, l'enfant est baptisé assez tôt après sa naissance. Son père tient une bougie, symbôle de lumière et d'intelligence. Mama berce le bébé habillé en blanc. Après c'est la fête. C'est aussi l'ocassion de réunir la famille et les proches amis.


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