Kelsey, young cavalière
My dad had an elder sister Ruth, who had a daughter Noemi, whom we called Mimi. Mimi had a daughter, Nilda and a son, Nelson. Nilda met a great guy on a Hawaiian beach who proposed to her and she said yes! And they had two daughters, Andrea and Kelsey. This blog is all about Kelsey.
Kelsey loves horses, and this is her own, Ducati. Together they have won many awards and ribbons. Here she is in perfect form: legs straignt and stirups out, hands on the reins, body forward and balanced, in perfect alignment with the horse, and most important, eyes ahead.
At the crest, she breaks out, the horse bends down, the rider straightens up, in timing with the horse. It's a beautiful synergetic action, very co-articulated. Otherwise, boom, you are on the ground!
Kelsey got two first places, two second places and one third place. 12 jumps in 48 seconds! Hope she can come to France and win a silver spur.