Little Almond

I think sometimes when you squint your eyes, you see better, see farther, see sharper. SOme people always have squinted eyes, like little almonds. They must see pretty well indeed!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Le zodiaque chinois est plein des petites faunes.
  • Un rat/capricorne qui est toujours généreuse et qui cache bien une sensualité très intime.
  • Un rat/cancer qui trouve tous les moyens d'achever ses désirs mais qui n'oublit jamais ceux et celles qui lui sont chers.
  • Un cheval/lionne qui se montre un bel étalon qui gallope à une allure dynamique, pas toujours facile à suivre.
  • Et un tigre/gémaux qui dans sa félinité est douce et tendre, qui intègre sans effort tout ce qui semble aux autres comme des contradictions:

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Photo AFP

Chinese New Year -- Watch out the year of the dog it bites gold

Expect price of gold and stock markets to go down!!!

Otherwise happy new year!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Philippines -- filmmaking paradise
A very reflective moment, to make options and come to career decisions. Maybe it is the time to explore new continents, new ideas, new people.
Life is changing. You can't step into the same river twice. You can't live the same experience twice either. Everything is always a 'once.'

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I find my face!

When I first came out, everything was all wet! Then someone put me in a towel. Then I explored my face, yes I have a little button of a nose, two bulges that are my eyes and oh such dainty little eye lashes, so fine. Hmmm, what's this? my mouth! How nice to put my fingers in my mouth, taste good!

I have two names, Isabela Andrea. Guess I'm lucky, I already have a brother, Jacob. Mommy and Daddy are Eleni and Jerry.

There, that's my Tita Andrea. We have the same name.

See those rays coming down? Those are magic blessings from heaven for my birthday. Oh you thought they were coming from Andrea's halo? Okay, the one on the left, yes, that's hers. The others are for me.

Well, have to go now and prepare for so many things!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Ma résolution du nouvel an!

On peut rêver, non?

New Year's Wish!

Wishful thinking!

vu/seen Luxembourg Gardens

Monday, January 09, 2006

Cristina's day

The clan siblings are in full form for Cris' award.

La famille célèbre le prime de Cris:

Monday, January 02, 2006

La nuit serait
l'envers du jour
si le rêve
ne prolongeait le
au-delà du réel.

Gérard Pons
auteur, graveur

La veille du Jour de l'an
New Year's Eve

C'était un an plutôt à vraiment dire adieu! Pas au revoir, parce qu'on voulait pas le revoir. Si l'on compte la hausse des prix, la valeur diminuant de l'euro, les impôts et les contraventions, le salaire statique-- ce n'était pas de fun.

It was a year we really wanted to say farewell to, not just goodbye; but goodbye forever, may it never come back! If you count the rise in prices, the diminishing value of the euro, taxes and parking tickets, and a non rising salary, it was not much fun!


Wee, zee French wee hav a word for zat, it says 'MERDE!' Wee also have an uzzer word, but for polite, I do not say eet! Eet has to do wizz behind.

Mais quand même il y avaient certaines bénéfices.
i on est en chômage on paie moins d'impôts. Si on n'a pas de voiture, on aura pas des contraventions. Si on a pas une maison on paie pas les réparations. Si on achète pas des vêtements on paie pas les TVAs. Mais alors, quelle vie???

But there are certain advantages. If you have no job you pay no taxes. If you have no car, you get no parking tickets. If you have no house; you don't have to pay repairs. If you don't buy clothes, you don't pay TVA. But what a life????

Il faut donc prendre des vacances plus souvent, et acheter des belles robes, manger aux meilleurs restaurants et laissez un bon pourboire, merde, il faut vivre!

So you should take vacations more often and shop around for beautiful clothes, eat in the best restaurants and leave a good tip. Shit, you gotta live!

T'as raison, la vie est trop courte pour boire de mauvais vins! Il faut bien déguster la vie, aller partout--aux petits villages de l'Inde, aux tribus perdus en Mongolie, monter les chameaux de Timbuctu ou les éléphants à Agra.

You're right, life is too short to drink bad wine! You have to taste all of life and go everywhere, the little villages of India, to the lost tribes in Mongolia, ride the camels in Timbuktu or the elephants in Agra.